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The Health Thread

You are lied about calories and weight loss : Dave Asprey

Dave Asprey, known as the “father of biohacking,” is a proponent of health hacks and emphasizes the importance of efficiency in achieving optimal physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In his book, “Smarter Not Harder: The Biohacker’s Guide to Getting the Body and Mind You Want,” Asprey explores the concept of biohacking as a means to overcome laziness and counteract the misinformation that hinders individuals from attaining their desired health outcomes.

Weight loss : 

Dave Asprey challenges the conventional wisdom surrounding weight loss and asserts that people have been misled by certain misconceptions. He argues that the idea of a caloric deficit being the sole determinant of weight loss is oversimplified and ineffective for many individuals. Asprey believes that focusing solely on calorie intake and expenditure disregards the complex interplay of various factors influencing weight management.

One reason Asprey claims we were misled about weight loss is the concept of nutrient timing. He suggests that the timing of food intake can significantly impact how the body processes and stores calories. For example, consuming carbohydrates earlier in the day when insulin sensitivity is higher may result in better metabolic outcomes compared to consuming them in the evening. Asprey highlights the importance of understanding the role of hormones, such as insulin, in weight regulation.

Another reason for the perceived misinformation, according to Asprey, is the focus on quantity rather than quality of calories. He argues that not all calories are created equal and that the nutrient density of food plays a crucial role in weight management and overall health. Asprey encourages individuals to prioritize nutrient-dense foods, such as whole foods and healthy fats, over processed and refined options.

Furthermore, Asprey challenges the idea that all exercise is equally effective for weight loss. He suggests that certain types of exercise, such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or resistance training, can have a greater impact on metabolic function and fat loss compared to long-duration, steady-state cardio. He emphasizes the importance of finding exercise modalities that align with individual preferences and goals to ensure sustainability.

Overall, Asprey’s assertion that we have been misled about weight loss stems from his belief that the traditional approach of focusing solely on calorie counting and creating a caloric deficit oversimplifies the complex nature of human metabolism. He encourages individuals to explore alternative strategies, such as nutrient timing, food quality, and tailored exercise routines, to achieve more effective and sustainable weight management.

It is important to note that while Asprey presents alternative perspectives, his views may not align with mainstream scientific consensus. It is always advisable to consult with healthcare professionals and consider a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to weight loss and overall well-being.

Calories : 

Dave Asprey challenges the traditional notion that calories are the sole determining factor in weight gain or loss. He argues that the calorie-focused approach oversimplifies the complexities of human metabolism and overlooks other crucial factors that contribute to weight management and overall health.

One of the key points Asprey makes is that the quality of calories matters more than the quantity. Not all calories are created equal, and different foods can have varying effects on the body’s metabolic processes. For instance, consuming 100 calories of refined sugar will have different metabolic consequences compared to consuming 100 calories of nutrient-dense vegetables or healthy fats. Asprey suggests that focusing on nutrient density and consuming whole, unprocessed foods is more important than solely counting calories.

Another aspect that Asprey highlights is the role of hormones in weight regulation. He argues that certain foods, particularly those high in refined carbohydrates and sugars, can spike insulin levels and promote fat storage. By focusing on a diet that balances blood sugar levels and minimizes insulin spikes, individuals can achieve better weight management outcomes regardless of calorie count alone.

Furthermore, Asprey suggests that the timing of food consumption can affect weight regulation. For example, eating larger meals earlier in the day when insulin sensitivity is naturally higher may result in better metabolic responses compared to consuming larger meals closer to bedtime. This approach considers the body’s circadian rhythm and its impact on nutrient utilization.

Asprey’s perspective challenges the prevailing belief that weight loss is solely a matter of creating a caloric deficit. He encourages individuals to consider the hormonal and metabolic aspects of food choices and their impact on overall health, satiety, and energy levels.

It is important to note that while Asprey offers alternative viewpoints, his ideas may not align with mainstream scientific consensus. Calorie balance remains a significant factor in weight management, and a comprehensive approach considering overall dietary quality, nutrient composition, and individual needs is recommended.


  • Asprey, D. (2021). Smarter Not Harder: The Biohacker’s Guide to Getting the Body and Mind You Want.

Debunking the “8 Glasses of Water a Day” Myth: Understanding Water Consumption

The belief that individuals should consume eight glasses of water per day has been ingrained in popular wisdom. However, it’s time to dispel the misconceptions surrounding water intake. In this article, we will address five common myths about drinking water and provide evidence-based insights to help you understand your hydration needs better.

 60% of the body is water—False:

Contrary to the popular notion that the human body is 60% water, scientific evidence suggests that the water content varies depending on factors such as age, sex, and body composition (Adolph, 1921). While water plays a crucial role in bodily functions, the specific percentage can differ among individuals.

The body doesn’t know when it’s thirsty—False:

The human body has a sophisticated thirst mechanism that signals when it requires fluid replenishment. This mechanism helps maintain the body’s water balance by triggering the sensation of thirst (Vivanti, 2012). Trusting your body’s thirst cues is generally a reliable indicator of when to drink water.

 Water flushes out fat—False:

The notion that drinking water alone can flush out fat from the body is misleading. While water is essential for various metabolic processes, it does not possess direct fat-burning properties. Sustainable weight loss requires a comprehensive approach involving a balanced diet, regular exercise, and overall healthy lifestyle habits.

 Water flushes out toxins—False:

Contrary to the belief that water has the ability to flush out toxins, the human body already has efficient mechanisms in place to eliminate waste and toxins through organs like the liver and kidneys. While staying adequately hydrated is important for optimal bodily functions, water alone cannot eliminate toxins.

 Water helps dry skin—False:

Although hydration is crucial for maintaining healthy skin, the belief that drinking more water directly resolves dry skin issues is not entirely accurate. Dry skin can be influenced by various factors, including environmental conditions, genetics, and skincare practices. Moisturizing the skin externally and ensuring overall hydration through balanced water intake are both important for skin health.


It is worth noting that excessive water intake without considering electrolyte balance can lead to a condition known as hyponatremia. Hyponatremia occurs when the body’s electrolyte levels become diluted due to excessive water consumption, potentially leading to serious health complications (Vivanti, 2012). Moderation and listening to your body’s signals are key.


In conclusion, the “8 glasses of water a day” myth is not supported by scientific evidence. Water requirements vary among individuals and depend on various factors. While water is essential for maintaining hydration and supporting bodily functions, it is important to drink when you are thirsty and maintain a balanced approach to fluid intake. Understanding your body’s needs and consulting with healthcare professionals can help you develop a personalized approach to hydration.


  • Adolph EF. (1921). The regulation of the water content of the human organism. J Physiol (London), 55(1-2), 114-132.
  • Vivanti AP. (2012). Origins for the estimations of water requirements in adults. Eur J Clin Nutr, 66(12), 1282-1289.

On diet

In the book “Smarter Not Harder: The Biohacker’s Guide to Getting the Body and Mind You Want” by Dave Asprey, the author challenges the notion of putting in excessive effort to achieve desired physical, mental, and emotional health. Asprey, known as the “father of biohacking,” explores the laziness inherent in human nature and how it has driven the search for shortcuts and hacks in various aspects of life.

Asprey acknowledges that many people desire a great physique, high energy levels, and mental focus, but often spend their time avoiding the very actions that would lead to these outcomes. In his book, he aims to dispel misinformation that hinders individuals from attaining the body and mind they desire.

Asprey argues that there are misconceptions and misinformation propagated by mainstream narratives regarding calories and their impact on losing weight. He highlights several key points:

  1. Caloric deficit: Asprey questions the widely accepted belief that a caloric deficit is necessary for weight loss. He suggests that the quality of calories consumed and their effect on hormonal responses and metabolism play a more significant role than simply focusing on calorie counting.
  2. Calories in, calories out (CICO) model: Asprey argues against the simplistic calories in, calories out model, which suggests that weight loss is solely determined by consuming fewer calories than one burns. He suggests that this model overlooks the complex interplay of various factors, including hormones, metabolism, and nutrient quality.
  3. Individual variations: Asprey emphasizes that different individuals respond differently to the same amount of calories due to genetic and metabolic differences. Therefore, solely relying on calorie counting may not be an accurate or effective approach for everyone.
  4. Impact of food quality: Asprey highlights the importance of considering the quality of the food consumed, rather than solely focusing on the calorie content. He argues that certain foods, even if low in calories, can have detrimental effects on health and weight due to their impact on hormones, inflammation, and overall metabolic function.

By challenging these notions, Asprey aims to encourage individuals to adopt a more nuanced and holistic approach to weight loss and overall health. He suggests that factors such as nutrient density, hormonal balance, and metabolic health should be considered alongside calorie intake.

It is important to note that while Asprey presents an alternative perspective on calories and weight loss, his views may not align with mainstream scientific consensus.

Dave Asprey is an American entrepreneur, author, and advocate of a low-carbohydrate high-fat diet known as the Bulletproof Diet. He founded Bulletproof 360, Inc. in 2013 and Bulletproof Nutrition Inc. in 2017. He is also known as the ‘Father of Biohacking’ and is a four-time New York Times bestselling science author. He is the host of the Webby award-winning podcast The Human Upgrade and has been featured on the Today Show, CNN, The New York Times, Dr. Oz, .

On cancer treatment and prevention

Dr. Thomas Seyfried is a proponent of a radical and controversial approach to cancer treatment and prevention, which he discusses in his work “A Radical & Controversial Approach to STARVING CANCER: The Two Root Causes.” Here are some key points that Dr. Seyfried suggests:

  1. Beliefs about the origins of cancer not accepted by the mainstream: Dr. Seyfried challenges conventional beliefs about the origins of cancer and proposes alternative explanations for its development.
  2. Cancer prevalence and its causes: He explores the reasons behind the pervasive nature of cancer in modern society and suggests that certain factors, such as lifestyle and metabolic health, contribute to its prevalence.
  3. Differences from the conventional cancer model: Dr. Seyfried’s beliefs diverge from the mainstream cancer model, which focuses primarily on genetic mutations. He emphasizes the role of metabolic dysfunction and mitochondrial damage in cancer development.
  4. Impact of conventional cancer treatment: Dr. Seyfried raises concerns about the potential harm caused by conventional cancer treatments and questions their effectiveness in targeting the root causes of cancer.
  5. The ketogenic diet as an anticancer intervention: He highlights the ketogenic diet as a promising approach to cancer treatment and prevention. The diet aims to starve cancer cells of their preferred energy source (glucose) by promoting the use of ketones as an alternative fuel.
  6. Research and case studies: Dr. Seyfried shares his own research findings and presents case studies that support his theories on cancer metabolism and the potential benefits of metabolic therapies.
  7. Limitations in conventional cancer treatment: He discusses the limitations and shortcomings of traditional cancer treatments and suggests that alternative approaches focusing on metabolic health may offer new possibilities.
  8. Diet and lifestyle strategies for cancer prevention: Dr. Seyfried advocates for adopting specific diet and lifestyle strategies to reduce the risk of cancer development, including the promotion of metabolic health through dietary modifications.
  9. Cancer resources, testing, and treatments: He provides guidance on navigating cancer resources, tests, and treatments, considering both invasive and noninvasive options for cancer detection and management.
  10. Future of cancer treatment and prevention: Dr. Seyfried shares his vision for the future of cancer treatment and prevention, based on advancements in metabolic therapies and a better understanding of cancer metabolism.

It’s important to note that Dr. Seyfried’s views and approaches may be considered controversial and are not universally accepted by the mainstream medical community. If you are interested in exploring this topic further, it is recommended to review Dr. Seyfried’s research, published works, and engage in discussions with healthcare professionals who specialize in oncology and metabolic health.

Dr. Thomas Seyfried is an American professor of biology, genetics, and biochemistry at Boston College. He received his PhD from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 1976 and did his postdoctoral fellowship at the Yale University School of Medicine.